Why does the fetus move when the mother eats?

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Why does the fetus move when the mother eats? Where the fetus passes in the mother’s womb with a set of stages through which growth and development takes place, as well as the fetus develops in movement. In the coming lines, we will talk about the answer to this question through the contents site. We will also learn the most important information about the movement of the fetus and why it moves The fetus when the mother eats and many other information in detail.

fetal movement

The movement of the fetus is one of the important things through which it is possible to infer the health of the fetus during pregnancy, as the fetus begins to move when entering the second trimester of pregnancy, i.e. in the second trimester of pregnancy, as the fetus begins at this stage to move limbs such as hands and feet Likewise, it responds to external movements and stimuli such as touching the abdomen, as well as eating some types of foods, or hormonal and psychological changes that occur to women. Likewise, the movements of the fetus differ at the rate of its sleep or wakefulness in the mother’s abdomen, and these rates are not related to the rate of sleep and wakefulness of the mother, as the fetus may sleep at the time when The mother wakes up and vice versa, and the changes in the movement of the fetus in the mother’s abdomen do not cause concern, because it is normal for this movement to change over time, but the situation calls for a doctor’s review in the event of an abnormal movement that the mother feels or if the kicks are severe, as There are many different factors that control fetal movement.[1]

Why does the fetus move when the mother eats?

The fetus moves in the mother’s womb when the mother eats, because food is one of the stimuli that causes the fetus to move, and the movement of the fetus increases with some foods such as spices and foods that contain sugars, as these movements are messages through which the fetus communicates to the mother his feeling of food, and it is also in Sometimes these movements may be signals indicating that the fetus needs food, and the type of food mainly controls the movement that the fetus makes, as when eating strong foods such as spices or sweets, the fetus kicks its foot strongly and moves, which causes the mother to feel his movement, as well Each type of food has a specific movement that the fetus makes and that the mother feels, as each mother can distinguish the movements that the fetus makes when eating certain types of foods.[1]

What does frequent fetal movement indicate?

Normally, there is no fixed rate of fetal movement in the mother’s womb, as this rate varies from one woman to another, as it varies from one pregnancy to another, as the rate of movement in the first pregnancy may differ from the second pregnancy, and so on, as the mother must get used to the movements that occur by the fetus and link These movements are related to the various things that may lead to these movements, such as eating certain types of foods or exposure to certain stimuli, as there is no ceiling or a specific rate for the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, and the excessive movement of the fetus is not an indication or evidence of danger, nor is it something that does not necessitate Anxiety at all, and instead of worrying about the excessive movement of the fetus in the mother’s belly, this movement must be accustomed to in order to notice the changes that may occur after that, as it is necessary to refer to the doctor in the event of feeling an abnormal movement that appears or a noticeable increase or decrease in the nature of the fetus. Movement, as well as the maternal instinct must be believed when feeling an abnormal movement.[1]

Reasons for increased fetal movement

Of course, there are a lot of different factors and causes that affect the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, as there are some reasons that lead to an increase in the movement of the fetus, and the most important of these reasons are the following:[2]

  • Eating some foods: Eating some different types of foods increases the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, as eating sugars increases the rate of movement of the fetus as a result of supplying it with energy resulting from sugars. There are also some other foods that increase the movement of the fetus, such as eating some spices and seasonings. .
  • Psychological state: As the psychological state and the woman’s feeling of some feelings, it is natural that it in turn affects the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, for example when feeling nervous, excited, or fearful and stressed, this leads to an increase in the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, and this happens as a result of an increase in the level of the hormone adrenaline as a result of an increase It is secreted by the adrenal gland, and this hormone plays an important role in fetal activity and movement, which is what makes the fetus move.
  • Body position: As the position of the mother’s body affects, of course, the movement of the fetus and its rate of activity, as the pregnant mother, when lying down, will notice the movement of the fetus and will also notice it when focusing with her, while there are other positions in which the mother will notice a lack of movement of the fetus, such as sitting or standing, Likewise, the movements of the fetus vary with the rate of its sleeping or waking up in the mother’s womb, and these rates are not related to the rate of sleeping and waking up of the mother, as the fetus may sleep at the time the mother wakes up and vice versa.
  • Mother’s movement: There are some researches and studies that say that increasing the woman’s movement during the day and performing some activities leads to the fetus sleeping and thus less movement.

The normal stages of fetal movement

The movement of the fetus continues from this time until the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, and the rates of movement are noticeable during this period. With the increase in the age of pregnancy and the progression in its stages, the fetus movement begins to decrease and its rates decrease significantly.[1]

  • Twelfth week: As this timing is the actual time when the fetus begins to move, but the mother does not feel the fetus moving during this period due to the small size of the fetus.
  • Sixteenth week: During this period, the mother begins to feel the movement of the fetus inside her abdomen, but it is a light movement that often resembles the movement of a butterfly.
  • The twentieth week: It is the time when the pregnant woman feels the actual movement of the fetus in her womb, as the mother feels during this period a movement called reflux.
  • Twenty-fourth week: In this period, the rate of fetal movement increases, and the movement takes a clear pattern and rate, as the woman begins to feel that the fetal movement has become more noticeable as a result of its increased movement inside the womb.
  • Twenty-eighth week: The strength of the fetus movement increases during that period to become more powerful to the point that it sometimes causes pain to the pregnant woman, as this movement sometimes requires the mother to take a deep breath.
  • Thirty-sixth week: At this stage, the pregnant woman notices a significant decrease in the rate of fetal movements, due to the enlargement of the fetus in size, as well as the decrease in the size of the uterus to accommodate the fetus, which causes a lack of movement, but despite that, the mother feels the movement of the fetus, but in a low rate, as it does not stop in a way Final, but if it stops, the woman should see a doctor.

What is the importance of fetal movement?

The movement of the fetus is one of the important things that occur during pregnancy, as through this movement the pregnant mother can be assured of the health of the fetus, as the movement of the fetus occurs as a result of the fetus’ response to many different things that occur, such as eating foods, as there are some foods that increase the movement of the fetus Basically, such as foods that contain sugars, as well as foods that contain spices and seasonings. The fetus also moves in response to some hormonal changes in the woman’s body, as well as according to the psychological state such as nervousness and excitement, and many other factors. Sometimes these movements may be Signs indicating that the fetus needs food, and the movement of the fetus has a psychological effect on the woman, as the woman increases her feelings of motherhood and happiness when feeling the movement of the fetus, and the decrease in the rate of movement of the fetus may be among the stimuli that indicate the existence of a problem, as it must Refer to the doctor in the event of feeling an abnormal movement that appears or a noticeable increase or decrease in the nature of the movement.[1][2]

Reasons for lack of fetal movement

There are some other reasons that lead to a lack of fetal movement in the mother’s womb, the most important of which are the following:[1]

  • A deterioration in the level of fetal health, as health problems and disorders that the fetus suffers from may lead to less movement than normal.
  • The mother took some types of medicines that sometimes affect the movement of the fetus, such as medicines that contain strong analgesics, as well as psychological medicines.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol Both smoking and drinking alcohol lead to a lack of fetal movement and the occurrence of health disorders for it, which affects the rate of its movement.
  • Decrease in the amount of water around the fetus, as it is normal for the fetus to be surrounded by a quantity of water that helps it move, and in the event of a lack of this water, the movement of the fetus decreases.
  • Malnutrition and insufficient food reach the fetus, which affects its movement.

The number of normal movements of the fetus

In fact, there is no fixed number of fetal movement in the mother’s abdomen during pregnancy, as the rate of fetal movement varies from one woman to another, and it also varies from one pregnancy to another, as the rate of movement in the first pregnancy may differ from the second pregnancy, and so on, but the mother must get used to the movement that It is carried out by the fetus, when there is an increase or decrease in this movement, this may indicate the presence of a health condition that requires a doctor’s review, but it is normal for the fetus’s movement to increase after eating foods, whether after lunch or after dinner, as the number of movements is about two or three after These meals, as the movement increases after eating sugary foods as well as spices and other fetal movement stimuli.[1]

Ways to increase fetal movement

Sometimes some pregnant women want to increase the movement of the fetus in order to feel its movement, and the most important ways through which the movement of the fetus can be increased are the following:[1][2]

  • Doing jumps: Where some movements can lead to an increase in the movement of the fetus, as the pregnant woman can make some simple jumps that lead to an increase in the movement of the fetus.
  • Talking to the fetus: The mother’s conversation with the fetus in her womb increases the movement of the fetus, as the fetus’s sense of hearing develops mainly between the sixteenth and twenty-second weeks of pregnancy, as the fetus can be affected by the mother’s voice and the external sounds surrounding it.
  • Touching the abdomen: Touching the abdomen and placing a hand on it are among the things that increase the movement of the fetus and make the mother feel its movement.
  • Highlighting the abdomen: After twenty-two weeks of pregnancy, the fetus responds to light and dark, so highlighting the abdomen leads to increased movement of the fetus.

Foods that increase fetal movement

There are some foods that can increase the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, where eating sugars leads to an increase in the rate of movement of the fetus as a result of providing it with energy resulting from sugars, because the fetus responds quickly to high blood sugar as a result of eating some types of foods, and there are some other foods It leads to an increase in the movement of the fetus, such as eating some spices and spices, and in general, the mother can get some meals or light foods that help to feel the movement of the fetus, such as peanut butter, fruits, nuts, fresh juices, and other foods that activate the movement of the fetus.[1][2]

In conclusion, we have answered the question, Why does the fetus move when the mother eats?, We also got to know the most important information about the movement of the fetus in the mother’s womb, as well as the importance of fetal movement, the reasons for the lack of this movement, the ways in which it is possible to increase the movement of the fetus, and many other information on this topic in detail.

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