Recipes for weight gain in a short period of time to get rid of the problems of thinness

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Recipes for gaining weight in a short period is what we will present in this article, where underweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5 and this is less than the body mass needed to maintain optimal health, and some normal people are very thin but healthy As their weight loss is not considered a health problem, and weight loss is more common among girls and women than men, about 2-3 times, and for this reason many are looking for natural recipes in order to gain weight.

Recipes for weight gain in a short period

The following are recipes for gaining weight in a short period: [1]

  • Dates and milk recipe: dates contain many health benefits because they contain a high percentage of vitamins, niacin and thiamine, which help to feel energetic, and it is also a good source of protein, sugar and energy, which helps to increase sufficient muscle mass without gaining weight, so it is recommended to add dates On milk and eat it on a daily basis to get positive results within a period ranging from 20 to 30 days.
  • Butter and sugar: It is recommended to add a tablespoon of mixed butter and mix it well with a tablespoon of sugar, and eat this mixture on a daily basis half an hour before lunch or dinner on an empty stomach, while following this system on a daily basis for a month to get the desired result.
  • Mixing mangoes and milk together: it is recommended to eat ripe mangoes with warm milk for three times a day, for a month, to get a positive result, as mangoes contain sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, sugar, and proteins that help increase body mass.
  • Fenugreek recipe for weight gain: Fenugreek is a natural alternative when it comes to gaining weight quickly, as fenugreek helps reduce cholesterol and balance blood sugar. Two cups a day, by boiling it in water and letting it cook for ten minutes, after which you can drink fenugreek water to help gain weight in a short period.

Recipes for weight gain in a week without circuit

Many of those looking for recipes for weight gain do not prefer eating fenugreek, and the following is a set of recipes that can be used without fenugreek:

  • Eat peanut butter daily with breakfast: peanuts contain a high percentage of fatty acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins, and peanut butter contains a high percentage of calories, so it increases body weight, so it is recommended to eat peanut butter on a daily basis for a month To increase body weight.
  • Bananas and milk: Bananas contain a high percentage of calories and give the body energy and vitality, so it is recommended to eat it for athletes as well as for those wishing to gain weight. It is also recommended to add milk to bananas and drink a cup on a daily basis in the morning and evening instead of drinking tea or coffee.
  • Eat potatoes on a daily basis: Potatoes contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, so it is recommended to add potatoes to the diet to increase body weight.

How to gain weight the healthy way

Weight gain is in a healthy way by following the following: [2]

  • Eating carbohydrates and healthy fats: A diet rich in carbohydrates and fats is one of the best ways to gain weight in a healthy way, while carbohydrates provide energy and healthy fats that are rich in calories together, and they increase weight gradually. Examples of healthy sources of carbohydrates and fats are rice and full-fat yogurt. cereal, oats, avocado, eggs, sunflower seeds, and cheese.
  • Eating extra calories: Eating an additional 500 calories per day leads to an increase in weight by one pound in one week, so it is preferable to eat more foods rich in calories and nutrients during the day in the form of main meals and snacks, and this is done either by increasing portion sizes or eating smaller meals Frequently throughout the day, and calories can be increased by adding nuts, seeds, or cheese as additions to the meal, and in what comes some snack options to increase the number of calories, namely: hummus with whole grain crackers, avocado on toast, protein juice, and bars Protein, oatmeal with nuts.
  • Eat a lot of protein: Protein is the most important fat, and some foods rich in protein include the following: fish, meat, eggs, legumes, and dairy products.
  • Improving physical strength: It is important to practice resistance exercises and lift weights in the gym or play sports to improve physical strength and avoid converting excess calories in the body into fat, and exercise must be done at least 4 to 5 times a week to increase muscle mass.

Tips for gaining weight in a short period

Combining high-calorie intake with weight-bearing training is one of the most important factors for gaining weight. However, there are many tips to gain weight faster, and the following are the most prominent of these tips: [1]

  • Do not drink water before meals: as water fills the stomach and thus the feeling of satiety, which makes it difficult to get enough calories.
  • Frequent eating: eating an extra meal or snack whenever a person can, such as eating a meal before bed.
  • Drinking milk: Drinking whole milk to quench your thirst is a simple way to get more high-quality protein and calories.
  • Try weight gainer drinks: These drinks are rich in protein, carbohydrates and calories.
  • Use larger plates: Use larger plates if a person is trying to get more calories because smaller plates automatically make people eat less.
  • Adding cream to coffee: This is a simple way to add more calories.
  • Take creatine: This monohydrate muscle building supplement can help you put on a few pounds and increase muscle weight.
  • Get a good sleep: Sleeping properly is very important for muscle growth.
  • Quit smoking: Smokers tend to weigh less than non-smokers because smoking reduces appetite, and quitting smoking often leads to weight gain.

Weight loss risks

Obesity is currently one of the biggest health problems in the world, however, being underweight is detrimental to public health. According to one study, being underweight has been associated with an increased rate of premature death. Being underweight can also weaken a person’s immune function, increase the risk of infection and lead to It can lead to osteoporosis and fractures and causes fertility problems. What’s more, people who are underweight are more likely to develop sarcopenia (age-related muscle wasting) and may be more likely to develop dementia. [3]

Reasons for weight loss

There are many medical conditions that can cause unhealthy weight loss, including the following: [3]

  • Eating disorders: These include anorexia nervosa.
  • Thyroid problems: An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) can increase your metabolism and cause unhealthy weight loss.
  • Celiac disease: It is the most severe form of gluten intolerance.
  • Diabetes: Having uncontrolled diabetes (mainly type 1) can lead to extreme weight loss.
  • Cancer: Cancerous tumors often burn large amounts of calories and can cause a lot of weight loss.
  • Infection: Certain infections can cause a person to become severely underweight. This includes parasites, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.

At the end of this article, we summarize the most important things in it, where recipes for gaining weight in a short period of time were identified, how to gain weight in a healthy way, tips for gaining weight in a short period, and the dangers of weight loss.

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