How to prepare MAGGI Vegetable Soup with many delicious and easy recipes

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Maggi soup with vegetables, which is considered one of the main dishes that are prepared on the dining table. It is recommended to start eating with soup to stimulate the stomach and warm it up before moving on to eating other foods such as chicken, meat, rice and pasta. Soup is an important dish that contains nutrients that are beneficial to the body because it contains fats and starches. And proteins, especially if some vegetables are added to it. In this article, we will learn how to prepare Maggi with vegetables in several recipes.

How to prepare Maggi Vegetable Soup

The method of preparing Maggi Soup with vegetables requires basic ingredients that must be prepared to prepare this delicious dish. Madam, you must prepare the necessary ingredients and follow the following instructions to prepare this soup:


  • One tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Two cloves of garlic, finely chopped.
  • Four tablespoons of chopped green onions.
  • One tablespoon of finely chopped onion.
  • Half a green bell pepper, finely chopped.
  • Two tablespoons of shredded carrots.
  • Two tablespoons of peas.
  • A tablespoon of corn.
  • Ten grains of broccoli florets.
  • Half a teaspoon of table salt.
  • Three cups of water.
  • Maggi packet.
  • Half a teaspoon of ground black pepper.
  • Two teaspoons of soy sauce.
  • Half a tablespoon of vinegar.

How to prepare

  • Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat, then add two cloves of crushed garlic and two tablespoons of onion, stir.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of the green onions to the pot, along with the peas, the amount of broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, 1 tablespoon of the corn, and 1 teaspoon of the salt.
  • Sauté the vegetables for five minutes until they are partially cooked, then add three cups of water and boil for seven minutes.
  • Add a packet of Maggi to the soup, and mix well.
  • Add the black pepper, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, and half a tablespoon of vinegar, stir until combined and combined, and cook for 2 minutes until the soup has a flavor of Maggi.
  • Pour Maggi soup into a serving dish, and serve fried rice with vegetables next to it.

How to prepare Maggi soup with vegetables and cream

Cooking Maggi soup varies in several recipes, some women prepare it with chicken and others with vegetables or mushrooms, but in this article we will present a method for preparing soup with a distinctive and different recipe, which is to prepare the soup by adding vegetables and cream to it, follow with us the most important ingredients needed for the recipe, and how to prepare it.


  • Three tablespoons of unsalted butter.
  • Two cloves of mashed garlic.
  • Half a grain of finely chopped onion.
  • A teaspoon of dried thyme.
  • Half a cup of flour.
  • Three cups of liquid milk.
  • a glass of water.
  • Two cups of chicken broth.
  • Three teaspoons of Maggi powder.
  • 200 grams of spaghetti, cut.
  • A teaspoon of table salt.
  • Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Two carrots cut into cubes.
  • Two ribs of celery, cut into cubes.
  • A grain of red pepper cut into cubes.
  • A cup of corn.
  • Fresh thyme leaves (for garnish).

How to prepare

  • Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat, then add the garlic and onion, and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Add the carrots, celery, and peppers to the pot, and let it cook for three minutes.
  • Add the flour, and mix the ingredients together.
  • Add the amount of broth, liquid milk, water, dried thyme, black pepper, dried thyme, corn and peas, mix all the ingredients together until they interfere with each other.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over a low heat, then lower the heat slightly.
  • Put the amount of spaghetti cut into the pot, and leave it for ten minutes until it softens.
  • Season the soup with salt and Maggi.
  • Pour vegetable soup into serving dishes, and garnish with fresh thyme leaves.

How to prepare chicken vermicelli soup

Soups are considered one of the most important side dishes that are available on the dining table all over the world, and the types of soups that every housewife prepares vary, such as vegetable soup, vermicelli soup, and lentil soup, and it is known that vermicelli soup is prepared with chicken or meat, except that it benefits people who complain of Some diseases, such as: cold and cold, give the body warmth and provide it with the necessary energy, and we will present to you from the site the contents of the method of preparing vermicelli soup with chicken.


  • Two eggs.
  • Four tablespoons of milk.
  • A teaspoon of table salt.
  • Two cups of flour.
  • Eight cups of chicken broth.
  • Two cups of celery cut into cubes.
  • Three cups of chopped carrots.
  • A pound of minced and cooked chicken meat.
  • A packet of corn.
  • A cube of Magi.
  • Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
  • A cup of vermicelli.

How to prepare

  • Mix the eggs and milk together until they blend well, then add the salt and flour.
  • Mix the ingredients together until you get a cohesive dough.
  • Roll out the dough on a floured surface, cut it very thinly, and let it dry for half an hour.
  • Cut the dough into thin slices, then place on wax paper to air dry.
  • Put the dough pieces in the oven until they are done and golden brown.
  • Add the chicken broth, carrots, celery, garlic and onions in a large saucepan, then put it on the stove.
  • Fill the pot with water, and cook over low heat until the vegetables are tender, which takes about two hours.
  • Add the chicken and corn to the vegetables, season with salt, black pepper and Maggi, and let it simmer over low heat for an additional half hour (add some water to the pot if you see that the amount is too little).
  • Add the vermicelli when the mixture begins to boil, while continuing to stir from time to time.
  • Pour the chicken and vermicelli soup into the serving dishes after a third of an hour of cooking, and serve it directly alongside the pastries.

How to prepare chicken stock cubes

Maggi Chicken Stock Cubes are one of the most famous types of this broth in addition to Knorr and many other well-known brands. There is a high demand for using chicken cubes in cooking, but there are many complaints about the damages of using these manufactured materials, and they are not good for patients with colitis, so some people prefer Stay away from using it, but if your family members love its flavor, and you feel that it is indispensable in your kitchen, we will present to you in this recipe a way to make chicken cubes at home.


  • Two onions.
  • Four grains of small carrots.
  • Seven cloves of garlic.
  • Six sprigs of celery.
  • Half a cup of green coriander.
  • Half a cup of flour.
  • A quarter cup of vegetable oil.
  • Two teaspoons of table salt.
  • One tablespoon of turmeric.
  • A tablespoon of spices.
  • Half a tablespoon of black pepper powder.
  • Half a tablespoon of ground cardamom.
  • Half a teaspoon of dried thyme.
  • Half a teaspoon of dried coriander.
  • Boiling water for boiling.
  • Half a tablespoon of ground Laura leaf.
  • Half a teaspoon of ground ginger.

How to prepare

  • Put an amount of boiling water in a pot on the fire, and put onions, carrots, garlic, celery branches and coriander in it, and leave it on the fire until it softens.
  • Remove the mixture from the heat, and put the vegetables in another bowl.
  • Pour one liter of vegetable soup into a bowl, season with salt, black pepper, coriander, allspice, turmeric, coriander, ground cardamom, thyme, ginger and bay leaves.
  • Mix the ingredients with the vegetable soup until you get all the flavours.
  • Leave the soup aside until it cools completely.
  • Put the vegetable oil in a pot on the stove, add the flour to it, and stir it for six minutes, until it is slightly toasted.
  • Add the vegetable soup to it after it has finished cooling it, stir the mixture well using the electric bat until the mixture becomes thick and homogeneous.
  • Boy the mix in ice molds, and it can be poured into an oil or butter plate.
  • Take the cubes out of the molds, and store them in the food-preserving bags inside the refrigerator freezer, so that the Maggi cubes are ready for use.

How to prepare lentil soup with maggi

Lentil soup is considered one of the most delicious and richest types of soup ever, as it has a great demand in the blessed month of Ramadan, because it provides the body with the necessary energy and vitality. Here, madam, is a method of preparation with ingredients available in your kitchen cupboard.


  • Three and a half tablespoons of olive oil.
  • one onion.
  • Four cups of water.
  • A cup and a quarter of yellow lentils.
  • One cube of Maggi.
  • Two leaves of laurel.
  • Half a tablespoon of salt.
  • Half a tablespoon of black pepper.

How to prepare

  • Chop the onion and put it in a saucepan, fry it with the amount of olive oil, and leave the onion over medium heat until it withers.
  • Add the amount of lentils after washing them well, strain and place them on the onions for one minute.
  • Add the amount of water to the onions and lentils, then add the bay leaf, and let it boil until it is fully cooked.
  • Leave the lentils to cool slightly after cooking them, then pour them into the electric blender, until smooth.
  • Season the lentil soup with salt, Maggi, and black pepper, then return it to the stove over medium heat, with continuous stirring, until it becomes very thick and homogeneous.
  • Add half a cup of hot water to the lentil soup, let it boil for five more minutes, then turn off the heat.
  • Pour lentil soup into serving cups, and serve immediately.

How to prepare white beans Maggi

White beans are considered one of the main meals for every home, which is preferred by many people, whether children or adults, and the legumes are characterized by many health benefits, because they are characterized by their high nutritional value, as they contain protein, fiber, carbohydrates and many other elements, in our article we will prepare for you a method Prepare beans with maggi and rice dish with a special and delicious recipe.


  • Two cups of white beans.
  • Half a tablespoon of soda carbonate.
  • Six cups of cold water.
  • 900 grams of boneless lamb.
  • A quarter cup of butter.
  • One medium sized onion.
  • 12 cloves of crushed garlic.
  • One stick of cinnamon.
  • A can of tomato paste.
  • Ten medium sized tomatoes (peeled and chopped).
  • A teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • Small spoon of salt.
  • Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Half a teaspoon of cardamom.
  • A quarter cup of chopped fresh cilantro.
  • Two cubes of Maggi.

How to prepare

  • Purify the white beans with baking soda, and let them soak overnight.
  • Put the white beans in a large saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil, taking care to remove the foam from the surface.
  • Reduce the temperature of the fire on the beans, and let it boil for an hour until it becomes soft.
  • Set the white beans aside after they are cooked.
  • Melt the butter in a large saucepan over the stove, and fry the meat pieces with it, turning them until they turn brown.
  • Add chopped onions to the meat, then pour five cups of cold water.
  • Leave the meat on a low heat for 45 minutes until it is tender, and add the spices and spices to the meat.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, and white beans to the pot of meat.
  • Fry the minced garlic and coriander in two tablespoons of butter in a small frying pan.
  • Put the garlic and cilantro mixture to the beans and meat.
  • Leave the beans to cook for ten minutes.
  • Remove the beans from the heat, pour them into serving dishes, and serve them alongside the peppered rice.

How to prepare upside down chicken and cauliflower in Maggi

Maqlouba is one of the best Syrian dishes, which is considered one of the main dishes in every meal. Maqlouba is usually cooked with fried eggplant, but others prepare it with fried cauliflower, which is also good. It is also usually prepared with chicken, but it can also be prepared with meat. Maqlouba is called by this name because it is arranged in layers. In the pot, it is cooked and then flipped onto a serving plate. We have provided you with the contents of the original and well-known method of making chicken maqlouba with cauliflower and delicious maggi.


  • Ten grains of cardamom.
  • Two cups of white rice.
  • A third of a cup of olive oil.
  • head of flower
  • Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Half a tablespoon of table salt.
  • Two leaves of laurel.
  • Three sticks of cinnamon.
  • Half a tablespoon of turmeric.
  • Boiling water to boil the chicken (as needed).
  • A tablespoon of mixed spices.
  • One and a half tablespoons of finely chopped garlic.
  • Two onions, finely chopped.
  • One chicken, washed and cut.
  • Two cubes of Maggi.

How to prepare

  • Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, and put it on the stove.
  • Put onions, chicken pieces, and half a teaspoon of crushed garlic on the oil.
  • Add a cinnamon stick, four cardamom pods, bay leaves, mixed spices and Maggi cubes to the chicken.
  • Mix the ingredients well for ten minutes.
  • Pour enough boiling water to cover the chicken mixture.
  • Cover the pot, and let the chicken boil completely (reserve the boiling water).
  • Wash the flower, cut it and put it in a pot of boiling salted water, put it on the stove for ten minutes.
  • Take the flower pieces out of the water.
  • Fry the flower pieces in a pot of hot oil, and stir-fry until golden on all sides.
  • Remove the flower pieces from the oil, place them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil, then set them aside.
  • Soak the rice in warm water for half an hour, then wash it and drain it.
  • Add turmeric and a tablespoon of crushed garlic to the amount of rice, and stir to mix.
  • Bring a non-stick pot, spread a small amount of rice on its bottom, then put the boiled chicken and then cut the cauliflower.
  • Add a layer of rice and put cinnamon sticks and cardamom.
  • Pour four cups of boiling chicken broth over the rice cooker.
  • Cover the pot well and leave it on a high heat until it boils, then reduce the heat of the fire.
  • Remove the upside down saucepan from the heat, and set it aside for five minutes.
  • Turn the upside down pot on a large serving plate, and invite it a little so that all the ingredients spill properly.
  • My upside down feet are hot, cheers.

In conclusion, we have finished our article after getting to know how to prepare MAGGI soup with delicious vegetables in an easy way and with ingredients available in every home. We also presented several recipes that can be prepared using MAGGI, such as lentil soup, the delicious maqlouba dish, and white beans, as you can prepare these dishes in simple steps without effort and in a short time. .

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